It's been about 6 months since all that craziness happened, and the agreement worked out great. Ash was fully recovered and he made me a successful popular. The even bigger thing is that Ash became happier and happier. He stopped sitting in the hallways and became more confident.
It was a week away from homecoming. And a lot of boys were trying to ask me to be my date. I would have said yes to one, but something inside me was telling me not to. So I didn't. I usually listen to my instincts.
For fifth period, we had a tournament. I had a lucky streak. Well, up until I was in the finals. I was up against Ash.
"Pikachu, let's go!"
"Starmie, come on out!"
"You ready, Mist?"
I thought about what he had called me, I didn't mind at that point.
"Ready when you are!"
"Pikachu, thunderbolt, let's go!"
"Dodge it!"
"Quick attack!"
Pikachu lashed out. Hitting Starmie full force.
"Warned you!"
"HA HA. Funny." I said sarcastically, "Starmie, water gun!"
"Dodge then use Volt Tackle!"
Again, Pikachu hit Starmie. I panicked.
"Sorry to do this, Mist. Pikachu, thunderbolt! One more time!"
My Starmie knocked out in a flash. Man, he's strong.
"Nice job, Mist. Here's some advice, stay calm and trust your instincts..."
"It's a lot to see it happen, but when you're involved in it, it's a whole different feeling. Nice job."
"It's not all about strength... Remember that."
"MmHmm.. Okay! Thanks, Ash..."
"Uh... Y-Yeah. Can I a-ask you something?"
"What is it?"
"...Uh... Nevermind. I'll see you later, okay? Bye!"
"Uh... Bye..."
That was weird. Oh forget it. That's his usual behavior with me.
Throughout the whole week, I was preparing for Homecoming. I was trying to find a dress or something pretty to wear.
I had finally found the perfect dress. It was a strapless short dress that had a little poof to it. I loved it. Ash told me he wasn't going, I don't know why, but I guess he just wants to go with someone. I feel bad that he's not going, but that's his decision. So I wont make him change it.
Or will I...?
"Hey Ash!"
"HEY! We're in public! We can't be caught! Come on."
He grabbed me and we slyly ran to the janitors closet.
"What were you going to say again?"
"Well, I want to go to the homecoming-"
" *Laughs* Funny, Mist."
"I'm serious."
"With you!?"
" *face turns red* What!? NO! I just want you to have fun over there! Not go with me!"
"Oh... Then my answer is no."
"Would you say yes if I went with you?"
"What!? No! Are you that desperate for me to go?"
"No, but you made it seem like you would say yes if I asked you that."
"Well, no."
"Come on! It'll be fun!"
"If you don't say yes in ten seconds, I will smack you until you say yes. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... zeeeerr-"
"Yay! Come on! Let's go shopping at Khol's!"
I grabbed him and ran out of the school. We walked ALL the way there. It was a long walk, but it was worth it. We got inside and got to the men's section. He tried on a bunch of clothes. Some were really nice, some looked horrible, and all the others looked just fine. We bought about 9 pairs of pants, 10 pairs of shirts, and 2 pairs of shoes.
I'm so happy I have a lot of money. I'm a gym leader, that's a big job. See, that's why I love being a gym leader. Yeah, I have a love/hate relationship with that job. Most of it is hate, but life has it's hard phases!
It was finally time for the dance. It had came by so quick. And since I was ready, I decided to check on what Ash was dressing in. I waited for him to finish changing. He was in black skinny jeans with a gentleman's jacket on. He look like a popular.
"What do yuh think?"
"You look like a popular!"
"Great, that's what I wanted to look like."
"Come on!"
"Uh... I'll be there in a sec. You go on ahead."
"Mmkay, but you better be there."
I ran to the gym to see that it was completely reconstructed into a night club (in my opinion). I waited about 10 minutes and got fed up. Where is that boy? I looked for about another 5 minutes and then finally found him. He was leaning against the wall just looking at the teenagers having fun. He glanced at me and our eyes locked for about ten seconds. I felt weird when that happened, like a nervous yet happy feeling.
He quickly looked away and walked away.
What happened?
It had been a while since I saw him after that. So I went to look for him.
A couple minutes later, I found him sitting down staring at the ceiling. You could tell he was stressed about something.
"What's wrong? You're suppose to be enjoying the dance not sitting down."
"This is how I enjoy myself when you're not here." he said not paying attention to what words he had just slipped out of his mouth
"Uh... Did I really just say that?"
"Sorry, I was just thinking, that's all."
"About what?"
"I think you'd be a better relationship helper than I would."
"You like someone!?"
"Well, kinda."
"Awww! Tell me who!"
"Well, should I ask this girl out? That's all I'm asking."
"Of course! It's a perfect time! Any girl would say yes when you look this great!" I said while looking at his clothes
"Uh... Yeah... I think you just made me more nervous."
"Because it's you."
"Ash, it's not that hard-" I stopped myself, "What?"
"Oh... That's who it is."
"Heh... Yeah." he said while scratching the back of his head
I was speechless. All this time, he never told me.
"Misty, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything."
"Don't call me that!"
"What! I called you Misty! Not Mist!"
"I know..." I said while looking at him
"Uh. Mist, are you okay?"
"Not really, I need some fresh air. It's hot in here."
He helped me outside. I sat down and thought for a second. *Is he being serious? Well, of course he is, I always know when he's serious.*
I had a weird feeling in my stomach. It was irritating me. *Why do I feel this way? Ash has always been a good friend to me. I know we've had our awkward moments, but why does he like me?* I thought some more. *That moment. When our eyes made contact. I felt like he had a really strong hold on me. Like he could lure me to him with his light brown eyes. Is this... Real? A real... Love?*
I kept thinking and completely forgot about Ash. He was sitting right next to me.
"Uh... Misty?"
"WHY! Isn't that your name?"
"Yeah... But I think Mist is growing on me."
"You sure?"
"Well, I like it better when you say it."
"Yeah. Weird, right?"
"I guess." he mumbled, "Hey Mist?"
"Yes?" I said with the cutest puppy face I could make.
"Ah! Don't look at me like that!"
"Hehe. So what did you want to ask me?"
"D-Did that bother you? What I said in there?"
"Oh. Not really."
"Really? It doesn't bother you?"
"No, a lot of geeky boys do this to me."
"I'm not geeky!"
"Best Friends can have crushes on each other."
"We're... Best Friends?"
"That's my opinion. I'm more close to you than I am with Yellow and Blue."
"Oh... COOL!"
"Haha!... Hey Ash?"
"Why do you like me out of all people?"
"Well, you are the only one that has actually taken care of me. You're my only friend."
"Anything else?" I asked fishing for complements
"Your eyes, they're really... nice."
"Hehe.. Thanks." I mumbled, "You know what I like about you?"
"You have a pure heart. When you got jumped on Christmas, you told me that you didn't want them to get hurt. Even though I thought it was stupid at first, I thought about it after and realized that you didn't want any trouble with anyone. I love that about you." I didn't realize what I had said at first.
"Ugh... I'm becoming like you."
"I didn't even mean to say that. You know I don't... Love you, right?"
"Y-Yeah! Of course..."
"I'm getting the feeling that you're bummed about it."
"Well, I do like you. It would be nice to hear that."
"Okay, but I only said I don't LOVE you. I didn't say I didn't LIKE you."
"What!? Y-You do!?"
"Maybe so."
"You serious?"
"Oh my gosh, didn't you hear me?"
"Y-Yeah, but-"
"But what?"
"You're so popular, and I'm so..."
"Okay, I'll stop."
"You don't need to be popular. I like you just the way you are." I said, "I like the funny, sweet, caring, and cute guy I see everyday. You don't have to change for me."
"Thanks, but... If we both like each other... Then..."
"Then... NOTHING! Take baby steps."
"How about the whole 'Popular' and 'Unpopular' thing?"
"Oh... Don't worry, I'll handle that." I declared, "Come on! Let's dance!"
I grabbed his hand and brought him inside. We danced until the party was over. Leaving all the popular's eyes focused on us. I didn't honestly care at that point. All I knew was that I had something better than popularity, I had Ash. Ash Ketchum.
It was a week away from homecoming. And a lot of boys were trying to ask me to be my date. I would have said yes to one, but something inside me was telling me not to. So I didn't. I usually listen to my instincts.
For fifth period, we had a tournament. I had a lucky streak. Well, up until I was in the finals. I was up against Ash.
"Pikachu, let's go!"
"Starmie, come on out!"
"You ready, Mist?"
I thought about what he had called me, I didn't mind at that point.
"Ready when you are!"
"Pikachu, thunderbolt, let's go!"
"Dodge it!"
"Quick attack!"
Pikachu lashed out. Hitting Starmie full force.
"Warned you!"
"HA HA. Funny." I said sarcastically, "Starmie, water gun!"
"Dodge then use Volt Tackle!"
Again, Pikachu hit Starmie. I panicked.
"Sorry to do this, Mist. Pikachu, thunderbolt! One more time!"
My Starmie knocked out in a flash. Man, he's strong.

"It's a lot to see it happen, but when you're involved in it, it's a whole different feeling. Nice job."
"It's not all about strength... Remember that."
"MmHmm.. Okay! Thanks, Ash..."
"Uh... Y-Yeah. Can I a-ask you something?"
"What is it?"
"...Uh... Nevermind. I'll see you later, okay? Bye!"
"Uh... Bye..."
That was weird. Oh forget it. That's his usual behavior with me.
Throughout the whole week, I was preparing for Homecoming. I was trying to find a dress or something pretty to wear.
I had finally found the perfect dress. It was a strapless short dress that had a little poof to it. I loved it. Ash told me he wasn't going, I don't know why, but I guess he just wants to go with someone. I feel bad that he's not going, but that's his decision. So I wont make him change it.
Or will I...?
"Hey Ash!"
"HEY! We're in public! We can't be caught! Come on."
He grabbed me and we slyly ran to the janitors closet.
"What were you going to say again?"
"Well, I want to go to the homecoming-"
" *Laughs* Funny, Mist."
"I'm serious."
"With you!?"
" *face turns red* What!? NO! I just want you to have fun over there! Not go with me!"
"Oh... Then my answer is no."
"Would you say yes if I went with you?"
"What!? No! Are you that desperate for me to go?"
"No, but you made it seem like you would say yes if I asked you that."
"Well, no."
"Come on! It'll be fun!"
"If you don't say yes in ten seconds, I will smack you until you say yes. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... zeeeerr-"
"Yay! Come on! Let's go shopping at Khol's!"
I grabbed him and ran out of the school. We walked ALL the way there. It was a long walk, but it was worth it. We got inside and got to the men's section. He tried on a bunch of clothes. Some were really nice, some looked horrible, and all the others looked just fine. We bought about 9 pairs of pants, 10 pairs of shirts, and 2 pairs of shoes.
I'm so happy I have a lot of money. I'm a gym leader, that's a big job. See, that's why I love being a gym leader. Yeah, I have a love/hate relationship with that job. Most of it is hate, but life has it's hard phases!
It was finally time for the dance. It had came by so quick. And since I was ready, I decided to check on what Ash was dressing in. I waited for him to finish changing. He was in black skinny jeans with a gentleman's jacket on. He look like a popular.
"What do yuh think?"
"You look like a popular!"
"Great, that's what I wanted to look like."
"Come on!"
"Uh... I'll be there in a sec. You go on ahead."
"Mmkay, but you better be there."
I ran to the gym to see that it was completely reconstructed into a night club (in my opinion). I waited about 10 minutes and got fed up. Where is that boy? I looked for about another 5 minutes and then finally found him. He was leaning against the wall just looking at the teenagers having fun. He glanced at me and our eyes locked for about ten seconds. I felt weird when that happened, like a nervous yet happy feeling.
He quickly looked away and walked away.
What happened?
It had been a while since I saw him after that. So I went to look for him.
A couple minutes later, I found him sitting down staring at the ceiling. You could tell he was stressed about something.
"What's wrong? You're suppose to be enjoying the dance not sitting down."
"This is how I enjoy myself when you're not here." he said not paying attention to what words he had just slipped out of his mouth
"Uh... Did I really just say that?"
"Sorry, I was just thinking, that's all."
"About what?"
"I think you'd be a better relationship helper than I would."
"You like someone!?"
"Well, kinda."
"Awww! Tell me who!"
"Well, should I ask this girl out? That's all I'm asking."
"Of course! It's a perfect time! Any girl would say yes when you look this great!" I said while looking at his clothes
"Uh... Yeah... I think you just made me more nervous."
"Because it's you."
"Ash, it's not that hard-" I stopped myself, "What?"
"Oh... That's who it is."
"Heh... Yeah." he said while scratching the back of his head
I was speechless. All this time, he never told me.
"Misty, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything."
"Don't call me that!"
"What! I called you Misty! Not Mist!"
"I know..." I said while looking at him
"Uh. Mist, are you okay?"
"Not really, I need some fresh air. It's hot in here."
I had a weird feeling in my stomach. It was irritating me. *Why do I feel this way? Ash has always been a good friend to me. I know we've had our awkward moments, but why does he like me?* I thought some more. *That moment. When our eyes made contact. I felt like he had a really strong hold on me. Like he could lure me to him with his light brown eyes. Is this... Real? A real... Love?*
I kept thinking and completely forgot about Ash. He was sitting right next to me.
"Uh... Misty?"
"WHY! Isn't that your name?"
"Yeah... But I think Mist is growing on me."
"You sure?"
"Well, I like it better when you say it."
"Yeah. Weird, right?"
"I guess." he mumbled, "Hey Mist?"
"Yes?" I said with the cutest puppy face I could make.
"Ah! Don't look at me like that!"
"Hehe. So what did you want to ask me?"
"D-Did that bother you? What I said in there?"
"Oh. Not really."
"Really? It doesn't bother you?"
"No, a lot of geeky boys do this to me."
"I'm not geeky!"
"Best Friends can have crushes on each other."
"We're... Best Friends?"
"That's my opinion. I'm more close to you than I am with Yellow and Blue."
"Oh... COOL!"
"Haha!... Hey Ash?"
"Why do you like me out of all people?"
"Well, you are the only one that has actually taken care of me. You're my only friend."
"Anything else?" I asked fishing for complements
"Your eyes, they're really... nice."
"Hehe.. Thanks." I mumbled, "You know what I like about you?"
"You have a pure heart. When you got jumped on Christmas, you told me that you didn't want them to get hurt. Even though I thought it was stupid at first, I thought about it after and realized that you didn't want any trouble with anyone. I love that about you." I didn't realize what I had said at first.
"Ugh... I'm becoming like you."
"I didn't even mean to say that. You know I don't... Love you, right?"
"Y-Yeah! Of course..."
"I'm getting the feeling that you're bummed about it."
"Well, I do like you. It would be nice to hear that."
"Okay, but I only said I don't LOVE you. I didn't say I didn't LIKE you."
"What!? Y-You do!?"
"Maybe so."
"You serious?"
"Oh my gosh, didn't you hear me?"
"Y-Yeah, but-"
"But what?"
"You're so popular, and I'm so..."
"Okay, I'll stop."
"You don't need to be popular. I like you just the way you are." I said, "I like the funny, sweet, caring, and cute guy I see everyday. You don't have to change for me."
"Thanks, but... If we both like each other... Then..."
"Then... NOTHING! Take baby steps."
"How about the whole 'Popular' and 'Unpopular' thing?"
"Oh... Don't worry, I'll handle that." I declared, "Come on! Let's dance!"
I grabbed his hand and brought him inside. We danced until the party was over. Leaving all the popular's eyes focused on us. I didn't honestly care at that point. All I knew was that I had something better than popularity, I had Ash. Ash Ketchum.